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Node.js: Your guide to learn node.js easily and in simple steps - 2021 (4nd edition) (Paperback)

Node.js: Your guide to learn node.js easily and in simple steps - 2021 (4nd edition) Cover Image
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Node.js is a backend JavaScript runtime environment that runs on the V8 engine and executes code outside of a web browser. Node.js interprets and executes a JavaScript-based script on its runtime environment. Node.js is one of the fastest server-side application platforms.

"You can never understand everything. But you should push yourself to understand the system." - Ryan Dahl, creator of Node.jsWhy is Node.js so popular?
  • Node.js is open-sourced and thus has a vast eco-system of many open-source libraries that can be leveraged using npm.
  • Everything in Node.js is asynchronous.
  • Node.js is single-threaded but supports concurrency with the help of events and callbacks.
  • Node.js is cross-platform. It can be run on Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, etc.
  • Node.js is based on one of the most popular programming languages - JavaScript.
  • Node.js provides an easy way to build scalable enterprise applications.

Now, let's discuss some important theoretical concepts that will really help you to understand how Node.js works so efficiently.In this book you will learn a lot about node.js, you will go on an interesting journey to learn this important language .

Product Details
ISBN: 9798529672488
Publisher: Independently Published
Publication Date: July 1st, 2021
Pages: 120
Language: English